Waste Disposal Information
Spent toner and cartridges (non-hazardous special waste CER 08.03.18)
According to Legislative Decree No. 152/2006, Art. 184, paragraph 2 Characteristics of discarded cartridges :
are not special waste assimilated to municipal waste;
cannot become special waste assimilated to municipal waste;
are not packaging waste;
are not waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
Why the requirement to dispose of spent toner and cartridges? Inkjet and toner cartridges for laser printers and ribbons give rise to non-hazardous special waste, classified with EWC (European Waste Code) 08.03.18.
D.Lgs 152/06 and 205/10 (as amended) stipulate that producers of special waste, i.e., all entities subject to VAT registration (thus Companies, Offices, Professionals, Medical Practices etc etc ) have the obligation to properly dispose of the waste produced and to prove that it has been disposed of.
How is disposal done? Companies are allowed to group empty toners and cartridges at their premises, collecting them inside special containers (Ecobox) for a maximum period of 12 months, after which disposal obligations are triggered according to the procedures established by law (Art. 183 paragraph 1 letter M) of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and Ministerial Decree October 22, 2008).
Only authorized parties can provide transportation and disposal.
What are the necessary bureaucratic requirements? At the time of collection, the company must receive the first copy of the waste identification form ( F.I.R. ), which certifies that the waste has been taken over. The waste identification form consists of 4 copies: the first one remains with the producer of the waste, the other three copies are taken over by the transporter for the duration of the transport until it is delivered to an authorized facility. The second copy remains with the operator of the recovery/disposal facility, the third is retained by the transporter, and the fourth must be returned to the producer within 90 days of taking charge of the waste from the delivery facility. The producer of the waste must keep this document for 5 years, noting where it is kept and indicating on it, in the space reserved for notations, the exemption from the obligation to keep the loading and unloading register. (Completion of the loading and unloading register is mandatory for entities that dispose of hazardous waste and companies that produce special waste from craft, industrial activities).
Are there sanctions for violators? There are administrative sanctions of a pecuniary nature (from € 2,600 to € 15,500 for non-hazardous waste and from € 15,500 to € 93,000 for hazardous waste) – In addition, there is an ancillary administrative sanction of suspension from one month to one year from the office held by the person responsible for the offense and from the office of director.

TECH TRADE SRL has pursued since its early years a company policy that respects the environment and consumer health.
It endeavours to promote every useful initiative to support the development and progress of the Italian “Consumables for Printing” regeneration industry, safeguarding in terms of production, the “Qualitative, Ecological-Environmental and Socio-Economic” aspect, in compliance with the slogan “QUALITY GOES GREEN: FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS”.
Call into the Company or send email to info@tech-trade.it asking for more info.
You will be contacted by one of our representatives who will explain the service in detail.